Wed, 2nd April 2025, 7.30p.m.
Wed, 9th April 2025, 7.30p.m.
(Singapore Time)
(Turn up your volume to find out what you'll be learning during our content-packed 2+ hour workshop!)
When you join our live online workshop today, you'll learn the same "Trade To Win" formula that helped hundreds of my students get winning returns consistently. I’ll show you step by step how I pick a trade with a high chance of above-average returns!
When you stay all the way to the end of the workshop, you're going to get our never-been-released before "Trading Secrets" course and book (worth $500)
This is only available for a very limited time. So make sure you take action as soon as possible!
For those that attend my workshop all the way till the end,
You'll receive my 138+ page bestselling "Trading Secrets" book for FREE in your email!
The book will reveal how you can go from knowing nothing about trading to becoming a full time trader.
I'll show you exactly how you can make your first winning trade and do it consistently month after month, week after week!
This book is sold for $48 on Amazon, but for a very limited time, you can get it absolutely FREE!
You''ll also get my never-been-released "Trading Secrets" course for FREE!
The 20+ videos will cover everything you need to know to get started - from opening your first trading account and making your first trade!
Along with what I'll be covering in the workshop, you'll learn strategies you can apply immediately into your trading to see winning returns in no time!
This Market Mover Indicator will show you how any stock will move in the short term!
It just takes 2 simple steps to set up this indicator (and we'll show you how).
Once you get your hands on this, you can easily find the best entry price for your stocks... even if you're a complete newbie!
For a very limited time, you can get this for FREE! So hurry! Sign up for this workshop now!
In this latest Report released mid-March 2025,
I reveal where the market will go next
Based on the charts, actual market data and my proven TTW Formula!
I also share at least 8 stocks I'm looking at for the coming weeks.
Hint: All 4 stocks I talked about in my previous Report already went up!
If you don't want to miss the next stock move,
Just attend the workshop all the way to end and you'll receive a copy in your inbox the very next day!
First off, unlike other workshops that spend a good 1 - 2 hours talking about basic trading theory you can easily google online.
Worse, they spend the whole workshop talking about themselves and trying to sell their software or programme.
I’m not going to waste your time and mine talking about it.
Instead, this is going to be a 2+ hour content workshop where I tell you HOW & WHAT you should be focusing on.
Also, my workshop is based on actual market-tested strategies - No "airy fairy" theories or untested ideas..
If you want to cut through the noise and pick up the fastest way to see consistent winning returns in the stock market.
I’ll show you the step-by-step strategies & techniques that my students and I use to beat the markets,
As well as a showcase of what are some of the top stocks that you should be paying attention to these next few months.
So if you’re a trader that can’t wait to supercharge your portfolio...
Click on the button below to sign up for my free workshop right now!
Actual trades we did in the last few months (even weeks)
Step by step explanation of trades and why we take action on them
Here’s the thing,
If you're reading all the way to this point, it means you're already trading or you're looking to start.
Either way, I want you to understand the importance of this workshop.
You’ll finally learn the fastest & most efficient way to trade to win.
But I can only offer you my help, it is your choice whether you want to accept it.
With the opportunity of the still-volatile market,
You’ll need the guidance of someone who has seen the “dark side” of the stock market and show you the more efficient way to trade.
Now is the best time to fill your head with the correct skills and knowledge to trade the markets.
So all you have to do is make the right decision, click the button below,
And I'll do everything in my power to make sure that it’ll be a workshop you’ll never forget.
See you soon!
* Disclaimer: Their results are not typical. Trading and investing are risky activities and you might end up losing all your capital. What we teach you is a proven process for trading but you will not make winning trades all the time.
Thomas Yin is the trading expert that other experts go to when they want to bring their trading to a whole new level.
He has taught his "Trade To Win" formula to analysts, fund managers, brokers and working professionals from more than 7 countries across Asia.
As a trader who walks the talk, in a 3-year trading challenge from 2013 to 2015, he made over 50% annual returns on his public portfolio.
In his upcoming workshop, he reveals his trading methodology and the actual trades he has taken in the last few months.
Online Guru Trader Pte Ltd. may publish testimonials or descriptions of past performance but these results are NOT typical, are not indicative of future results or performance, and are not intended to be a representation, warranty, or guarantee that similar results will be obtained by you.
Thomas Yin’s experience with trading is not typical, nor is the experience of students featured in testimonials. They are experienced traders. Becoming an experienced trader takes hard work, dedication, and a significant amount of time.
Your results may differ materially from those expressed or utilized by Online Guru Trader Pte Ltd. due to a number of factors. We do not track the typical results of our current or past students. As a provider of educational courses, we do not have access to the personal trading accounts or brokerage statements of our customers.
Any and all information discussed is for educational and informational purposes only and should not be considered tax, legal, or investment advice. A referral to a stock or commodity is not an indication to buy or sell that stock or commodity.
This does not represent our full Disclaimer. Please read our complete disclaimer by clicking here.
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